Printable Easter Lego Challenge

My son loves Legos, but it seems like lately he only wants to build the actual sets of Legos – not use him imagination to build different things. That or play these Lego games. And isn’t what Legos are for in the first place?  Maybe not but this Easter Lego challenge will bring back that creativity and imagination as kids try to build each of the items on the 30 day challenge! It’s just as good as any of these learning games! 

Easter Lego Challenge Supplies

One of the best parts of this Lego challenge is that it really is an activity you can do with things you most likely already have around the house – unless you don’t have any Legos, then this is probably the wrong post for you. Maybe try these math dice games instead!  If you do have Legos, all you’ll need for this challenge is: 

Printable Lego challenge ideas Loose Legos in various colors  Plastic Easter eggs (optional – see option #2 below) 

How to Do This Challenge Option #1

Okay so I’ve seen a number of different Lego challenges out there. The way the challenge normally works is you print out the Lego calendar (included below) and then on each corresponding day, you try to build whatever the calendar says.  So for instance on day 1 of the calendar the challenge item is a tulip so you’d try to build a tulip with Legos. On day 2, you’d build an Easter basket.  Keep going and see if you can build something new every single day.  One thing to note – since this is an Easter Lego challenge, there are religious items on the calendar. However, I know that not everyone might want to include the religious items so I included an alternate calendar as well that you can use instead that simply switches out the three religious items (tomb, church, and cross) for non-religious items.  Both calendars are included in the PDF at the bottom of this post. 

How to Do This Challenge Option #2

So this is how my family is personally going to do this challenge – advent calendar style.  You know all those empty Easter eggs you have sitting around? Get those out first Cut out the individual items from the Lego challenge calendar and put one of the items in each of the Easter eggs.  Put those Easter eggs into an Easter basket or bucket or bag or something. Each day instead of just looking at the calendar and seeing what your challenge is, pick a random egg from the basket and that’s your challenge for the day! This way combines two of my son’s favorite things – Legos and surprise eggs – in one fun challenge! It’s how we’re going to do it and could be a fun way for you to do it too. Don’t have Easter eggs just laying around? You could totally just put the words in an Easter basket (kind of like if you were playing charades) and pick one out each day as well! 

Download the Easter Lego Challenge

Enter your first name and email address in the form below to download the Easter Lego challenge. It includes a two-page PDF document – the traditional calendar including the religious words like church and cross and the non-religious version.  You’ll be taken immediately to the PDF and receive a copy emailed to you for later! Don’t see the form below? Click here to get to it!

More Fun Easter Ideas

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Don’t forget to pin this Easter Lego challenge for later!


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