To get the inside scoop on what we can expect from the upcoming season, we connected with the new design team, interior designer Breegan Jane, designer and organizer Carrie Locklyn, and designer and carpenter Darren Keefe Reiher. The design pros let us in on some of the biggest challenges faced during the making of the show, differences we can expect in the new season, and the most emotional moments while filming. Be sure to tune in to HGTV on Sunday at 9 p.m. EST—there won’t be a dry eye in the house. It sounds like this season features many inspiring families—was there one family or story that has really stuck with you, even after filming? Breegan Jane: All of the families were such an inspiration, but my philanthropic work in Africa drew me to the Barobi family’s story. To see their faces smile and their hearts shine after enduring tragedy many of us could never imagine was such a blessing. They’re such positive people despite some serious setbacks, and they will challenge some ideas of what a refugee family looks like. They are amazing. Darren Keefe Reiher: I think the Mosleys stand out to me for a lot of reasons. They have huge and unfettered hearts. As a family they had recently been through an emotional rollercoaster. They really needed a fresh start. Although, you’d never know it. Jessica and the kids are some of the most positive and inspirational individuals I’ve ever met. It’s pretty much impossible to watch Extreme Home Makeover without tearing up—did you have any good cries during the filming of the show? Jane: I cried at LEAST twice a week throughout the five-month process! It was an endearing and heartfelt experience. There were so many special moments with the families and volunteers on- and off-camera. Plus, I was away from my family during production, and I missed my boys. It was emotional seeing the communities come together when things didn’t look like they were going to happen. Too many moments for tears! Carrie Locklyn: There was a lot of crying!…When you utter the words “Move That Bus!” there are so many emotions for the family, for the volunteers, for the builders, the crew, everyone works so hard to create a better tomorrow for the family and when that bus moves, the tears are everywhere. Keefe Reiher: Some of my most memorable experiences were interacting with the volunteers and skilled tradespeople. A lot of them shared similar stories of hardship and it was the reason they had volunteered that day. They’d conquered their own life obstacles, possibly with the help of a kind stranger, and were moved to help. It’s hard not to get verklempt. What was the biggest design challenge you faced during filming? Locklyn: Despite the fact that building a home in five days is a huge challenge in itself…the heat. Oh, the heat! For a majority of our builds, we had triple-digit temperatures. However, in a way I think it actually brought our build teams, volunteers, and crew closer! It was yet another common ground we all shared and experienced. Despite the heat waves and some extremely sweaty T-shirts, we still had smiles on our faces because we understood why we were there. Keefe Reiher: The heat! I’m sure my co-designers would echo the same. [See the evidence, above!]